A quick post today on a kaku-uchi (booze shop where you can drink), that has been open a couple of years. There are now loads of places to drink in and around Kanda. Perhaps some might be put off by the swarms of salarymen which fill the area on weekdays, but plenty of these places…
Category: Area: Kanda
Craft Beer Market Kanda
There are now so many Craft Beer Markets around that I’m running out of ways to start these blog posts referring to how they are pretty much all the same. Check these posts if you would like to see how repetitive I have been so far. I will also refer you to the same posts…
Post by Mothy I’ve been to Maltan in Kanda a number of times and I really like the place, though it doesn’t really excel in any one area. First off, the beer. They have only six taps of craft (they also serve Suntory Malts) but from when I’ve been there, it’s always an interesting selection….
Wiz Craft Beer & Food
The last of my three stops on Sunday, the possibly amusingly named Wiz is another pretty new place. Looks like the rush of openings is still going strong. Perhaps it was the location, but before I went I felt like it had a Craft Beer Market feel to it. In other words, lots of taps,…
Hitachino Brewing Lab Kanda
This is the new ‘brew-on-site’ location for Kiuchi, best know for their Hitachino Nest beers, just over the river from Akihabara. They have combined this with a small taproom hosting a wide range of their beers, including some special Brew Lab beers which I guess are made on site. They have a total of ten…
Brasserie St. Bernardus
Straying slightly of the Japanese beer track again today with what I think is the best of the Delirium/Belg Aube group of bars. However, they are all pretty good if you want to drink Belgian beer and certainly nicer than the Delirium Cafes in Belgium. Belgian beer was the beer that first got me drinking…
Himalaya Table
Today, a recently opened Nepalese restaurant in Kanda. Himalaya Table’s slogan is ‘Craft Beer and Spice’ so I guess you know exactly what to expect. Recently, there seems to be a trend of new beer places being restaurants that have good beer (Gar Eden), rather than beer places that have good food. I guess this…
Devil Craft Kanda
Devil Craft is multi-floored craft beer bar with added pizza, not far from Kanda station. What with Kura Kura and St. Bernardus, Kanda is becoming a good place to drink good beer. The place is run by three American friends and you can always be sure of there being someone who can speak English working…