Shiokaze BrewStand Soga is the brewery tap of Shiokaze beer out in Soga, Chiba. I guess you probably could have guessed pretty much all of that from the name. I believe the brewery is still a gypsy brewery at the moment so this is as close as you’re going to come to drinking Shiokaze beers…
Tachinomi 2nd
Tachinomi 2nd is a pretty small place (maybe the smallest on this blog actually…) with a slightly unique concept and lots of charm. Here’s what you need to know: – Small standing bar in what looks a bit like a tiny portacabin but is actually the bottom floor of a very uniquely designed building. There’s…
Tokyo Beerzilla
Today, another standing bar, this time run by a beer importer based here in Tokyo. Inn Beers run the Warrior Celt in Ueno and import British stuff. You may have recently noticed that there are suddenly a lot more hyped UK breweries’ beers available in Japan and this company is the reason behind this. Although…
Today, a quick post on a shop that I have walked past hundreds of times and visited only a few times. Takekuma is an off licence/booze shop a little way up Bremen street from Motosumiyoshi station. I used to pop in to get an emergency Orval from time to time and in those days it…
Threefeet Tokyo
After the last post about Beer Cellar Sapporo Harajuku, a beer shop with drinking on site available we move on to Threefeet Tokyo, a beer shop with a bit less on site drinking available. If I had to sum up the differences succinctly I’d say that Threefeet has more fridges and less seats. There is…
Beer Cellar Sapporo Harajuku / Hi Line Liquid
An afternoon visit to Harajuku for an errand has kickstarted this blog back into real posting action. Perhaps… This is the first of two posts on quite new places in the Harajuku area which both happen to be beer shops with some degree of on site drinking. This seems to be becoming quite a popular…
Beer Shop Llama (was Drunk Bat)
I’ve finally made it to Beer Shop Llama so have done a major revamp of this post. Normally in this situation I just update the new part and leave the old bits for reference, but in this case I think it would end up with too much mess, so everything here is about Llama and…
Antenna America Kannai
This place is now back open again, but I haven’t been there. New information is that the 5th floor has been refurbished and the kitchen is now gone. Food is ordered from a local restaurant or you can bring in your own. 6th floor is relatively unchanged. The old info is below still but I…