This is part six of what will be constantly (I hope…) updated posts with brief descriptions of places that possibly deserve to be on here but which I have either no time or inclination to visit. Part one is here, part two here, three is here, four is here, and five is here, or you…
Author: Tokyo Beer Drinker
Le Shirakawa Yofune (NOW CLOSED)
Today a post about a place I stumbled on completely by accident on a recent trip to Nishiogikubo. I’m not sure if this place is at all well known. I can’t recall ever hearing about it but maybe that’s just me being out of touch. It’s funny, as before I went there I was lamenting…
Cranc Beer
Today a little post on a brewery that I managed to go to on the second time of asking. Cranc is out in Itabashi, not too far away from Tokyo Aleworks. They are quite different places though in most aspects. As I probably said in the Tokyo Aleworks post on here, Itabashi is really not…
Revo Brewing
Today, a place I was slightly conflicted about visiting. Actually slightly is an understatement. Revo is a new brewery at the bottom of what I think is a big new APA hotel in Yokohama. If you don’t know about APA hotels, well… maybe it’s best that you should do your own research and make up…
Folkways Brewing
Today, a relatively new brewery out in east Tokyo that was surprisingly popular when we visited shortly after opening on a Saturday afternoon. Folkways Brewing is out in Koto-ku near Kiyosumishirakawa station in a pretty unassuming building next to what looks like a parking area for buses. I know next to nothing about it, so…
A quick post today to move somewhere off one of my digest posts and onto a fully formed post of its own. There are a lot of places around now that have large taplists of rare beers, but sometimes it’s nice to stick to something you know if the surroundings are nice. This place is…
Craftrock Brewpub & Live
Craftrock Brewpub & Live, the latest place in the Craft Beer Market empire, (at least in Tokyo anyway), is their first foray into making beer instead of just serving it at very reasonable prices. Somewhat amusingly, the prices aren’t as cheap here, which seems like it could be counter-intuitive, but perhaps it’s actually more expensive…
Kitakyushu interlude
Much in the same way that I recently did a Sapporo interlude, where I wrote not much at all about some places that I’d been to but which were way too far away to include under the normal remit of this blog, now I’m doing Kitakyushu. Yep, that’s right, not the big city in the…
Isana Brewing
I seem to have got back on the horse a bit recently with regards to making posts on here. I’m quite pleased about this as there are plenty of places to visit. At the same time, I’m not so pleased for the same reason. Whilst checking back on some old places, I’ve found that there…
Tachinomi Beer Boy Shibuya Parco
This is the newest Tokyo addition to the Craft Beer Market empire and it’s another Beer Boy. Personally, from my limited experience, I think I prefer the actual CBMs rather than the Beer Boys, but another place serving reasonably priced beers is always a good thing. If you’ve been to one Beer Boy, you’ll pretty…