I recently realised that I don’t have many of the Delirium locations on here so I guess I should probably remedy that soon. First on the list for me to visit was the most recently opened one and I think the one with the most taps. Like many of the other branches, it’s not in…
PDX Taproom
Today, a brief post on another new place, this one opened only last week. There has been a trickle of information regarding this place for the last six months or so but the actual opening seemed to come around quite quickly. I was in the area at the weekend, so took the opportunity to pay…
New Craft Beer Markets: Kichijoji
This post used to be a joint post with another Craft Beer Market. Check the other one out here if you are interested. The points that both have in common appear in both posts. Today, part one on two fairly new Craft Beer Markets (click here for all of the CBM posts in one place),…
Wiz Craft Beer & Food
The last of my three stops on Sunday, the possibly amusingly named Wiz is another pretty new place. Looks like the rush of openings is still going strong. Perhaps it was the location, but before I went I felt like it had a Craft Beer Market feel to it. In other words, lots of taps,…
Hop-Scotch Craft Beer & Whiskey
Hop-Scotch is a fairly new place specialising in US imports and whiskey. I am ashamed to say that I didn’t notice the significance of the name for a while. It features the bar managing talents of Randy, ex of the Hangover, who I guess some of you will know as he is a very important…
Pigalle is a European beer bar in Sangenjaya, a little west of Shibuya on the Den-en-toshi line (which incidentally has a reputation of being one of the most crowded lines in Tokyo). A short post as they don’t have much Japanese beer here, but that’s not really the point of the place! – Very small…
Hitachino Brewing Lab Kanda
This is the new ‘brew-on-site’ location for Kiuchi, best know for their Hitachino Nest beers, just over the river from Akihabara. They have combined this with a small taproom hosting a wide range of their beers, including some special Brew Lab beers which I guess are made on site. They have a total of ten…
T. Y. Harbor
Today, a post on a brewery/brewpub/restaurant in Shinagawa, T. Y. Harbor. I had been meaning to go here for a while as I had heard mixed reports and was keen to decide for myself. So, I finally made it there a couple of Fridays ago with a group of friends. My first impression was that…
Craft Beer Market Mitsukoshimae
Another week, another new Craft Beer Market. An exaggeration of course, but it does seem like they are expanding fast. This time the location is slightly different; the fancy new shopping centre Coredo 3 in Mitsukoshimae. This post will be pretty short, as the concept is the same in all of the CBM bars. I…
BrewDog Roppongi
So, BrewDog have arrived in Japan. Although to be honest, they were around quite a lot beforehand anyway, but now they have their own bar located in the heart of Tokyo’s foreigner’s playground, Roppongi. BrewDog have long been a divisive ‘marmite’ type of company (probably not a good reference for anyone who is not British,…