Today, a recently opened Nepalese restaurant in Kanda. Himalaya Table’s slogan is ‘Craft Beer and Spice’ so I guess you know exactly what to expect. Recently, there seems to be a trend of new beer places being restaurants that have good beer (Gar Eden), rather than beer places that have good food. I guess this…
Big Love Records
*A quick warning here. I haven’t been to Big Love in ages and yesterday heard that you can only drink there if you buy something in the shop, so I suspect they are moving away from being a beer place and focusing on the record shop part. Which makes sense… as it is a record…
Back again to Koenji, and this time to Bankan, a small bar on the other side of the train tracks to Bakushu Kobo. Bankan is a nice little bar/restaurant with seating for around 20, a few more seats at the bar and a few seats outside, which unsurprisingly were not that popular in February given…
Shinshu Sake Mura
Something a little bit different. Shinshu Sake Mura is a standing bar near to Shimbashi station with ultra low prices. The reason for this is that this place is mainly designed to promote the sake and beer breweries of Nagano prefecture. This is fundamentally a shop, but with a recently expanded standing bar area allowing…
Tama No Megumi
Tama No Megumi is located in Haijima, West of Tokyo. Whilst it only takes around 45 minutes from Shinjuku on the Chuo line it feels like it is much further away when you arrive. Getting to the station I was surprised to see Fuji looming on the horizon and after arriving at the brewery it…
Craft Beer Bar iBrew
Another place that has opened during the recent explosion of good beer places in Tokyo. iBrew’s big selling point is their very low prices. However, that’s not the only reason to go there. The food is pretty good too, a mix of Japanese and international stuff, and once again at good prices. It’s a very…
Ushi Tora 2
[For your information, Ushi Tora 1 has now moved. Please check here for the new listing] Perhaps common sense would have said that I should put both Ushi Tora bars together, but I think they are very different places so here is part one, which for some reason starts with bar 2. Ushi Tora 2…
Goodbeer Faucets / GBF Bottle Shoppe
(Quick update, there seems to have been a rebranding perhaps a diversification here. There is now a GBF Bottle Shoppe which apparently has lots of stock in the same location. I don’t know if or how this might have affected the usual running of the bar. Perhaps it has just commandeered part of the room….
Craft Beer Market – Jimbocho
At the moment there are just two Craft Beer Markets, this one in Jimbocho and one in Toranomon. But there are plans to open two more branches in as yet undisclosed locations in the near future. The first notable thing about Craft Beer Markets are the prices. For small glasses (250ml) all beers are ¥480…
Watering Hole
Recently opened beer bar in an area that is currently a little light on good places to drink. It is divided into two halves, the left-hand side being the bar area, and the right-hand side will soon (brewing license pending) be their micro-brewery. There are 21 taps, including a couple of handpumps and at the…