Bathe Yotsume Brewery officially opened on December 16, 2023, and is operated by a sento(public bath) near Kinshicho. I first saw their bath (Kogane-yu) in a magazine article. Thecombination of sento and beer is not so new, and there’s Kamigata Beer in Osaka, whichrenovated a sento into a brewery. However, running a sento and a…
Category: BREWPUB
Canon Brewing
Canon Brewing is a relatively recently opened brewpub in between Shimokitazawa and Sangenjaya, quite close to Small World and Mangosteen. I’d considered visiting a few times before I made it there, and a couple of times it wasn’t open when I thought it would be, but I’m pretty sure that was my problem and not…
Craft Beer Gran Zoo / Kanpai Brewing
Kanpai has been open for quite a while now and is in a fairly easily accessible area, so the fact that I’ve only just managed to visit it probably demonstrates quite how little time I’ve been able to dedicate to this blog recently. It ain’t easy being a blogger in the craft beer arena. Too…
Sakamichi Brewing
Stop number four on my Chuo line pub crawl and there was something of a feeling that I was building towards the highlight of the day. I’m pleased to say that Sakamichi didn’t let me down and was a really nice place to have some really nice beers. I’m getting old and I’m perpetually skint,…
26K Brewery
My second stop along the Chuo line was Musashisakai station, to visit 26K Brewery. If I hadn’t been checking my map closely I might have missed it, as the taproom is inside a multipurpose space combined with a coffee roaster and cafe. I was a bit unsure, but when I peered through the door and…
OGA Brewing Cafe
With a Sunday afternoon in front of me with the only plan being going to a record shop in Koenji, I decided to finally tick off some Chuo line places that had been on my backlog list for a long time. Perhaps common sense would have dictated that I go to one station and tick…
Kawaguchi Brewery
Today, a place I probably thought I would never make it to. Kawaguchi isn’t very far from Tokyo, but at the same time, it wasn’t really on my list of places to go. From my very limited experience of going there, it seemed like quite a nice place, so more fool me for not putting…
Inabaku Brewery
For once I can actually use the phrase ‘newly opened’ and not be criticised for having a loose grip on the passing of time. Inabazu was opened a few months ago and is a small brewpub about 10 minutes walk from Inadazutsumi station, just over the Tama river in Kawasaki. It’s probably not an area…
Mizonokuchi Brewery
Today we have a moderately new brewery in Kawasaki, not too far from Mizonokuchi station but actually closer to Takatsu. (I was going to say newly opened, but they were celebrating their first anniversary when we visited… Clearly I don’t get to new places as quickly as I used to). I’d heard mixed things about…
Cycad Brewing
Cycad brewing is the new brewery started by Gremlin in the premises that was formerly Snark Liquidworks. James wrote about Snark here and I thought I’d leave his old post up with a note directing people here as there are still some similarities between what was Snark and now is Cycad and I’m not just…