Post by James Underground has two branches, one in Higashi-Jujo and one in Akabane. Today, I am in Akabane.Quite a spacious bar. There are about six counter seats and table seating for at least 20 people. There is also a small table outside.There are 15 taps of mostly Japanese but also imported beers. Pints ranged…
Category: BEER SHOP
Sekimachi Cellar
Post by James Sekimachi Cellar is a family owned liquor store with a long history. It was founded in the 5th year of the Taisho era. I think that would be 1916. Anyway, it’s definitely over 100 years old. You can’t sense such a long history from the building itself but you certainly get the…
Caliquors Tokyo
A quick post today on a kaku-uchi (booze shop where you can drink), that has been open a couple of years. There are now loads of places to drink in and around Kanda. Perhaps some might be put off by the swarms of salarymen which fill the area on weekdays, but plenty of these places…
Craft Beer Scissors Akihabara
You wait months for a Beer Scissors post to come along and then suddenly two turn up, one right after the other. The 2nd Story tap takeover was split over the two branches of Scissors and after a fun time at the Ikejiri branch we decided we should probably hoover up the other five taps…
Craft Beer Scissors Ikejiri Ohashi
Today we are getting off the train at a previously unvisited station. Well, actually I walked there, so not really. And of course I can’t speak for my readers’ Tokyo station visiting past so maybe it’s wrong on that account too. If you don’t live in, or haven’t visited the area before, Ikejiri Ohashi is…
Ben’s Slop Shop
It’s been a while since I went to any new places so I thought I’d take a trip to Kichijoji, go to some record shops and cross a couple of beer places off the list. Today’s post is on a place that is unsurprisingly pretty similar to a place I’ve already posted about on here….
Songbird Beer
A quick post today on a brewery that can be visited at certain limited times. So far, so tricky. Also, it’s not easy to get to! But it was a lot of fun so I thought it merited a mention on here. Given the limitations when it comes to opening times and accessibility I’m…
7-Eleven Setagaya Chitosedai 2 chome (!)
Thanks to a recent sponsorship deal I’m pleased to announce that the next few hundred blog posts on here will be about the marvelous craft beer heavens that are 7-11s… Only joking. I would never accept sponsorship as my impartiality is not purchasable at any price. Well maybe I’d sell all of this out for…
Tokyo Beerzilla
Today, another standing bar, this time run by a beer importer based here in Tokyo. Inn Beers run the Warrior Celt in Ueno and import British stuff. You may have recently noticed that there are suddenly a lot more hyped UK breweries’ beers available in Japan and this company is the reason behind this. Although…
Today, a quick post on a shop that I have walked past hundreds of times and visited only a few times. Takekuma is an off licence/booze shop a little way up Bremen street from Motosumiyoshi station. I used to pop in to get an emergency Orval from time to time and in those days it…