Straying slightly of the Japanese beer track again today with what I think is the best of the Delirium/Belg Aube group of bars. However, they are all pretty good if you want to drink Belgian beer and certainly nicer than the Delirium Cafes in Belgium. Belgian beer was the beer that first got me drinking…
Regional Produce/Satellite Shops 3: Shinbashi
Couple of shops in Shinbashi, very close to Shinshu Sake Mura which I guess is a satellite shop too. Worth popping in if you have had a bit too much Nagano produce and want to diversify your Japanese beer consumption. Tottori-Okayama Shinbashikan The new location for the Tottori shop. They have moved over the road…
Regional Produce/Satellite Shops 2: Higashi Ginza
Another couple of satellite shops, this time in Higashi Ginza. Gunmachanchi (has moved to a fairly nearby location. Search for the shop name in google maps) So, this is where the Gunma mascot, Gunmachan lives, if you believe the name of the shop. I am not sure if he helps brew any of the beer…
Regional Produce/Satellite Shops 1: Ginza Itchome
This is the first of a series of posts about ‘Satellite Shops’ in Tokyo. These are basically shops that sell produce from a specific prefecture in order to promote tourism in these areas and the food and drink that these different regions make. This is of interest to us, because these shops often include craft…
Brewer links
For what it’s worth, I have added a section on the right hand side with links to all the breweries mentioned on here. Some of the websites have English on them, but most are Japanese only. Hope this is of some use to you!
Kura Kura Ji-Beer House (NOW CLOSED)
ANOTHER PLACE THAT HAS NOW CLOSED. SORRY! Sorry, another terrible photo! Today another Kanda area entry. There really are a lot of good places to visit round there at the moment. Kura Kura is a place I have been to a few times and it always seems to be pretty busy, so they must be…
Himalaya Table
Today, a recently opened Nepalese restaurant in Kanda. Himalaya Table’s slogan is ‘Craft Beer and Spice’ so I guess you know exactly what to expect. Recently, there seems to be a trend of new beer places being restaurants that have good beer (Gar Eden), rather than beer places that have good food. I guess this…
Craft Beer & Whisky Bar Transit (Now closed)
NOW APPARENTLY CLOSED, BUT IT’S ALL A BIT MYSTERIOUS Another one in the Hatanodai area today, and somewhere that it makes sense to visit at the same time as Izuya if you are coming from elsewhere. Transit is a blessing for those of us that want to drink in the afternoon, as it opens from…
Another beer shop today, a little way out of central Tokyo but worth the trip. Izuya is a Craft Beer and Sake shop in Ebaramachi, not far from Hatanodai. As well as being a good place to go and buy beers to take home, in the evenings Izuya becomes a small standing bar where you…
Gar Eden
Today, an Italian restaurant with great beer. Gar Eden has only been open about a week and is run by a former manager of Craft Beer Market Jinbocho, so it is only natural that it has good beer. Located between Omotesando and Gaienmae on an apparently up and coming fancy street, it is another welcome…