Craftrock Brewpub & Live, the latest place in the Craft Beer Market empire, (at least in Tokyo anyway), is their first foray into making beer instead of just serving it at very reasonable prices. Somewhat amusingly, the prices aren’t as cheap here, which seems like it could be counter-intuitive, but perhaps it’s actually more expensive…
Kitakyushu interlude
Much in the same way that I recently did a Sapporo interlude, where I wrote not much at all about some places that I’d been to but which were way too far away to include under the normal remit of this blog, now I’m doing Kitakyushu. Yep, that’s right, not the big city in the…
Isana Brewing
I seem to have got back on the horse a bit recently with regards to making posts on here. I’m quite pleased about this as there are plenty of places to visit. At the same time, I’m not so pleased for the same reason. Whilst checking back on some old places, I’ve found that there…
Tachinomi Beer Boy Shibuya Parco
This is the newest Tokyo addition to the Craft Beer Market empire and it’s another Beer Boy. Personally, from my limited experience, I think I prefer the actual CBMs rather than the Beer Boys, but another place serving reasonably priced beers is always a good thing. If you’ve been to one Beer Boy, you’ll pretty…
Platinum Fish Kawasaki
Today another brief post, this time, perhaps briefer than my usual brief posts. Although this introduction will really cut into the brevity. Platinum Fish is a part of one of those hidden chains owned I guess by a huge company. Although in this case, the chain is only half hidden, as most of the bars…
Namachan Brewing / Smoke Beer Factory Otsuka
Today a post on what is a relatively under the radar, (at least in my eyes), small chain of pubs. Obviously, I can only vouch for the branch I went to, so the other two will remain on the digest post here. However, I imagine the experience is fairly similar though, even if the decor…
Mountain River Brewery
A quick post today on Mountain River, a brewery and kind of taproom in Kugayama on the Inokashira Line. The reason I say kind of taproom will become clear further down. There have been a spate of new brewery openings in the last few years. Unfortunately, that has coincided with a bit of a slack…
Sapporo interlude (now with some other Hokkaido places too!)
I’m not sure if starting these new kind of posts is a good idea to be honest, but I’m going to try one anyway. My normal remit for places on this blog is that they need to be at least reasonably easy to get to from Tokyo on a train. Of course Hokkaido doesn’t fit…
A brief post today on somewhere that has been open for a while but I have only recently got round to visiting. Sadly this is the same old story for me recently. The backlog is now huge again. My inclination to visit new places has collapsed and has coincided with me now being unemployed. (My…
Interesting Beer at J League football stadiums
This is a bit of a weird blog post but I thought it could be of some use to some people. It also nicely links this blog and another blog I write called Frontale Rabbit about my favourite Japanese football team who I’ve been supporting home and away for quite a few years now. Of…