Wanting to broaden my horizons a little, I have set myself a task for 2021. I won’t reveal the details yet as I don’t want to have public evidence of it for when I mess it up or give up. But this task led me indirectly to visit Gahaha. Gahaha had been on my list…
Category: FLIGHT
I’m not sure this really counts as a new blog post as large portions of it have been lifted directly from the old blog post on this bar’s previous incarnation, Craft Beer Market Koenji (you can check that post here if you want and if you can read the text through the strikethrough effect). To…
Craft Beer Bar iBrew Ebisu
A quick post today about what I think is the most recent of the iBrew bars to open. I have to admit, until I went here I had the impression that this was the same place as TBE Brewing, which I thought was a bit more expensive iBrew branch. Now I have no idea if…
Revo Brewing
Today, a place I was slightly conflicted about visiting. Actually slightly is an understatement. Revo is a new brewery at the bottom of what I think is a big new APA hotel in Yokohama. If you don’t know about APA hotels, well… maybe it’s best that you should do your own research and make up…
Craftrock Brewpub & Live
Craftrock Brewpub & Live, the latest place in the Craft Beer Market empire, (at least in Tokyo anyway), is their first foray into making beer instead of just serving it at very reasonable prices. Somewhat amusingly, the prices aren’t as cheap here, which seems like it could be counter-intuitive, but perhaps it’s actually more expensive…
Platinum Fish Kawasaki
Today another brief post, this time, perhaps briefer than my usual brief posts. Although this introduction will really cut into the brevity. Platinum Fish is a part of one of those hidden chains owned I guess by a huge company. Although in this case, the chain is only half hidden, as most of the bars…
Tamsang Tokyo x Craft Beer Bar Taptime
Tamsang Tokyo x Craft Beer Bar Taptime is the slightly unwieldy name of the new branch of Taptime which was formerly in Umegaoka and has now moved along the Odakyu line to Yoyogi Hachiman. It’s not only the name that has changed though. There is a very different feel to the new bar and a…
Garapago Racing Kaisei Handmade Beer
The fantastically named Garapago Racing Kaisei Handmade Beer is a brewery west out of Tokyo on the Odakyu line, almost in Odawara. Although my picture doesn’t show it, it’s in a really nice location with mountains on two sides in the not too far distance. Given that it’s in an area where it seems like…
Tokyo Aleworks Taproom
Quick update: They now have accommodation above the bar. Something like a hotel. And there’s a plan to get beer connected up to your room so soon you will be able to drink yourself to sleep perhaps without having to leave your bed! Couldn’t find any info about it on their website, but was told…
Minami Yokohama Beer Labo
This is the first of another flurry of posts. Seems I’ve been finally getting round to going to some new places recently! This first one is somewhere that has been on my list for quite a while and perhaps due to its location, have never managed get to. But lunch at Beach Muffin and a…